#iwd2023 Alex Patchett
International Women's Day is a day to recognise the achievements of women globally and to celebrate the progress that has been made in the fight for gender equality. The day is a reminder that we should all strive to create a world in which everyone has the same opportunities and rights, regardless of gender.
We celebrated by hosting a yoga class and smoothie bowls for the women of our community, and invited four inspirational women to share their stories with us.
Alex is a master jeweller and has been in the jewellery industry for 12 years. Alex now creates beautiful, handmade, high end diamond jewellery for her own company Aurea Jewellery.
What was the key moment that ignited your fire and kicked off your journey (into what you are doing now?)
The key moment for me and a real wake up call was when my little brother took his own life two years ago. Your time on this earth is so short and finite, none of us are going to get out alive, so you may as well live the life you’re dreaming of, because you do not want to be on your death bed, full of regret because you were too scared to take a chance. The universe work in your favour, if you can overcome your fear and take that leap of faith.
What is your best advice in overcoming your biggest doubts and fears when starting a business or when starting out a new pursuit?
Give it a go… what’s the worst that can happen? You will not die (although that’s what your subconscious will try to convince you as it is always trying to keep you safe). If it does all turn to custard, you can always get another 9-5 job, but the thing is, if you have fight and drive, failure isn’t an option and you will hustle your ass off to make it work.
How did you get over that feeling of “I’m not qualified enough or experienced enough?”
If you don’t have confidence in yourself and what you’re selling, then your customers aren’t going to have confidence in you and you will struggle to convert sales. Always research about your products you are selling so you can talk the talk when dealing with customers and invest In yourself to upskill where you feel like you’re lacking.
The best piece of advice I was given for selling is to always “assume the sale.” Talk to your customers like you have already made the sale and you are working out the finer details to make sure that the customer is happy and getting exactly what they want. Doing this with confidence makes your customer trust you and that you are going to deliver an exceptional product.
How do you empower other women or younger girls through your work?
I love to make women feel fabulous with the jewellery I create for them. Its hard to not feel like a boss bitch when you’re wearing diamonds!
Who is a woman you look up to or aspire to?
Leila Hormozi, she is an absolute weapon when it comes to business, or Lucia Silvestri- she is the creative director at Bulgari and she has the most incredible talent for designing fabulous pieces of jewellery.
What’s something that makes you feel empowered, or a specific example of something you’ve done?
Listening to extreme confidence alpha affirmations on the way to pilates every morning in a cute two piece co-ord outfit.